• (219) 262-7009
  • contactus@latinosforafreeamerica.org
  • 901 E. Chicago Ave. Suite 869 East Chicago, Indiana 46312

Let's build the better world for Latinos together.

"Latinos for a Free America," a dynamic and impassioned movement fueled by the vibrant spirit and diverse voices of the Latino community. As we embark on this journey, we are driven by a shared commitment to the principles of freedom, justice, and equality that form the bedrock of the American dream.

We Contribute

We contribute to help support political candidates, policies, and initiatives that align with its mission.

Monthly Gift

Consider giving a monthly donation to make a lasting difference and pave the way for a brighter tomorrow.

We Educate

Creating right to vote workshops, strategic engagement, grassroots organizing and in advocacy.

Official Gear

Wear your commitment proudly with our high-quality merchandise embodying the spirit of Latinos For A Free America.

About Us

Latinos for a Free America is a PAC.

Latinos for a Free America is a political action committee (PAC) dedicated to amplifying the voices and advocating for the rights of the Latino community in the United States. Committed to the principles of freedom, equality, and justice, this PAC works to empower Latinos by supporting political candidates, policies, and initiatives that align with its mission. Through strategic engagement, grassroots organizing, and community outreach, Latinos for a Free America seeks to influence the political landscape to ensure a more inclusive and equitable America for all. This PAC serves as a platform for Latinos to unite, participate in the democratic process, and contribute to shaping a nation that reflects the diversity and strength of its people.

Promote immigration reform.

Promote the Latino political agenda.


"Fueling Change! Ignite Hope and Empowerment with Your Donation to Latinos For A Free America"


of $100,000.00



Unity in Action: Latinos For A Free America Making a Difference Together

Let's unite our strengths and passions, working together to make a difference that echoes through generations. Latinos For A Free America, where collective action sparks lasting change

Our Stories

Our Stories with Latinos For A Free America

Our Stories with Latinos For A Free America encapsulates the diverse narratives and shared experiences that shape our collective journey. From tales of resilience to narratives of triumph, this platform amplifies the voices within the Latino community, showcasing the richness and strength that arises from our unique stories.


million Latinos in the USA


of the US Population

Latinos for a Free America


Voices of Empowerment: Testimonials on
Latinos For A Free America's Impact

Dr. Regina Beard, RN

Founder and President of Victory for Kidz

I take great joy in supporting LFAFA. As an entrepreneur and community leader, promoting diversity and inclusion is vital, both in business and the community. I support causes essential for a stronger and better United States, uniting for equality, justice, and freedom.

Elena Luna Magallanes

Community Advocate

As a Latino community advocate, I endorse Latinos For A Free America, rallying for improved mental health policies and addressing healthcare disparities. I align with LFAFA to drive legislative change.

Our Official Gear

Success Story

Pave the Way for Change – Become a Monthly Giver and Push for a Better Life Today

Become a monthly giver. Join us in the collective effort to push for a better life today. Your consistent support enables us to drive positive change, providing sustained assistance and impact in the lives of those we serve. By becoming a regular contributor, you become an integral part of our mission, amplifying the strength of our advocacy for a more equitable and empowered future. Together, through your ongoing commitment, we can make a lasting difference and pave the way for a brighter tomorrow. Join us in the journey towards positive transformation – be a monthly giver and let's push for a better life today.

Latinos For A Free America

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